How to Make a Library Book: A DIY Parody!

Recreate the sensation of browsing our shelves for that next perfect title by making your very own homemade library book! In this simple craft, you’ll create a small piece of the library in the comfort of your own home.
What You’ll Need:
- 1 Hardcover Book
- 2 Ziploc Bags (Gallon-Size)
- 1/4 Cup of Sand
- 1 or 2 Strands of Hair
- 1 Heirloom Recipe
Simple Syrup
1) Find a hardcover book that is lying around the house. Any genre will do, but historical fiction and romantic suspense novels are choice!
2) Slip the two Ziploc bags over the front and back covers of your book. These will act as protection against the elements and the less hygienic among us. Don’t worry if there is too much slack or a “baggy” look. The world is not perfect and neither are our catalogers.
3) Do you fancy the comforting memories of a beach read? Open one or both of the plastic bags and drop in handfuls of sand. Allow it to sift to the corners of the book as to remove hope of being later removed.
4) Open the book to a random section and place one or two strands of hair between the pages. (Of the scalp is preferable, but pet dander will do in a pinch for the follicly-challenged.) It’s true that we carry with us a piece of every great book we read. Now is your chance to leave some part of yourself with a book.
5) Remove a cherished heirloom recipe from your personal scrapbooks and place inside the book at yet another random section. Tuck firmly so that it may never be found again.
6) Quickly dab your simple syrup on different parts of the book, being sure to reach both covers and between pages so that they stick together. Allow to sit overnight.
7) Your library book is nearly complete!
May you enjoy your new homemade treasure for years to come! Or until a family member loses it and replaces it without your approval with an inferior edition from Amazon.
Happy crafting!