Library & Book Drop Closed

Our Library is closed until further notice, which means:

  • The Library entrance is locked and no staff is on the premises.
  • No fines will be charged during the closure. Please keep your library materials and continue to enjoy them.
  • Our book drop is closed. Please do not leave materials outside of it – fines are waived during the closure and no staff is on the premises to retrieve them.
  • Due dates for items due between 3/7/2020 and 4/15/2020 have been automatically extended to May 15th, and additional extensions will be considered, if necessary.
  • Click here to find out how to create lists of items to request later. OverDrive items can still be requested, and other digital resources remain available through our eresources page. If you need a library card, register here.
  • All library cards that were set to expire this year have been extended through December 31, 2020 to ensure continued access to our free e-Resources.
  • Patrons who do not have a library card but wish to access our free e-Resources, may apply online here.
  • Visit our Facebook page for stuck-at-home fun suggestions updated daily.
  • Please hold all donations until further notice.

Although our amazing staff are working from home to bring you the latest information and tips to help you through this difficult time, please know that we miss you all very much! And we thank you for your continued support, as it will take some work to be fully back up and running once we reopen.

Please note: This is an extremely fluid situation and this document may change.

COVID-19 Information

Get the latest and most accurate information about COVID-19 from the Allegheny Health Department.

COVID-19 Rumor Control

The Allegheny Health Department has put together a FAQ to counter rumors and misinformation in regards to COVID-19.

World Health Organization COVID-19 FAQ

Get the latest updates about Coronavirus disease pandemic from WHO.


The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention provides up-to-date information on your health and well-being during the pandemic.

COVID-19 Interactive Map and Statistics

Get the latest worldwide stats with this interactive map from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine.

COVID-19 Hotline

In order to best serve residents with questions and concerns about COVID-19, Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) has partnered with United Way 211 to offer a 24/7 hotline.

Please call 888-856-2774 to speak with a representative. Language services available. 

Ask a Librarian

Questions (about ANYTHING)? Ask here.