Welcoming Neighbor Alliance

What is the Welcoming Neighbor Alliance?

Decades ago, refugee resettlement began in the borough of Whitehall. Now many of our resettled community members are actively buying homes and starting businesses. 

The Welcoming Neighbor Alliance is a curated digital collection of factual information about the local immigrant and refugee population.  It is a collaboration between Whitehall Public Library, South Hills Faith Movement, Literacy Pittsburgh and the Bhutanese Community Association of Pittsburgh dedicated to sharing responsive factual information, one neighbor at a time, with hope that that information would then be shared with others, creating a network of allies that welcome and support community diversity. 

Interested in learning more?

Our Community’s Changing Demographics

Bhutanese Refugees: Background

Bhutanese Refugees: Present


Suggested Ideas for Supporting Community Diversity

View the complete Welcoming Neighbor Alliance presentation here.