History of Whitehall Public Library
On September 6, 1961 the Whitehall Borough Council appointed a Board of Library Trustees and funds were provided for shelving and furniture. The Friends of the Whitehall Public Library, organized in 1961, began to conduct a fund drive for new books. On December 5, 1962 Beatrice Mulholland was hired as the first librarian. The Whitehall Public Library was dedicated on May 5, 1963.
The Borough Building in 1963. PHOTO CREDIT: Brennan, Edwin F., A History of Whitehall Borough and Its Government: An Insider’s View, 2001.
Read the Book
A History of Whitehall Borough And Its Government Years ago the library sold copies of this wonderful book on the history of Whitehall Borough written by former Mayor of Whitehall, Ed Brennan.
You can check out a copy at Whitehall Public Library.
Special Tribute
Edwin F. Brennan 1918-2010 The Whitehall Public Library wishes to acknowledge one of its great citizens, and one of our library’s truest Friends, Edwin F. Brennan. Prior to the library’s existence, Ed spearheaded efforts to form a Library Friends group in 1961, and their advocacy efforts were vital to the creation of the library itself in 1963. He served as a Library Board President, and throughout his long life remained a constant library advocate, benefactor, supporter, and patron.